| Masashi HAZUMI [Keynote] | (KEK,Japan) | "Cosmic evolution and fundamental physics" |
| Satoru UOZUMI | (Okayama Univ.,Japan) | "Introduction to LiteBIRD - Light Satellite for studies for B-mode Polarization and Inflation from cosmic Background Radiation and Detection" |
| Ken'ichi SAIKAWA | (DESY,Germany) | "Production and evolution of axion dark matter in the early universe" |
| Noboru SASAO | (Okayama Univ.,Japan) | "Intense gamma radiation by accelerated quantum ions" |
| Alexander KUZNETSOV | (Demidov Univ.,Russia) | "Neutrino decay to electron and W-boson in a superstrong magnetic field in the Early Universe" |
| Kazunori ITAKURA | (KEK,Japan) | "Interplay between strong fields in QED and QCD" |
| Anthony HARTIN | (DESY,Germany) | "The possibility of observing resonant photon splitting and photon scattering in a strong electromagnetic field" |
| Felix KARBSTEIN | (Jena Univ.,Germany) | "A fresh look on the Heisenberg-Euler effective action" |
| Ben KING | (Plymouth Univ.,UK) | "Vacuum birefringence in high-energy laser-electron collisions" |
| Akihiro YOSHIMI | (Okayama Univ.,Japan) | "Neutrino spectroscopy with atoms and laser - toward detection of relic neutrino -" |
| Yukio KAWANO | (TITEC,Japan) | "Terahetz Photon Detectors" |
| Karen HATSAGORTSYAN | (MPI,Germany) | "Radiation dominated nonlinear Compton scattering: signatures of quantum dynamics and attosecond gamma-bursts" |
| Takehito HAYAKAWA | (QST,Japan) | "Nulcear Astrophysics in laser deriven gamma-ray pulse" |
| Peter THIROLF | (LMU,Germany) | "Prospects of laser-driven ultra-dense ion bunches for the generation of extremely neutron-rich isotopes" |