We intend to launch a new branch of satellite international conferences within the framework of OPIC2017. The objective of OPIC2017 itself is to discuss the future of our society which will be achieved through the latest advances in optics and photonics, as will be presented at OPIC2017 and OPIE'17 (OPTICS and PHOTONICS International Exhibition 2017). In addition to these technology-focused conferences, we will coherently organize LNPC'17 (Light driven Nuclear-Particle physics and Cosmology 2017), the main focus of which is fundamental physics. During the conference we will highlight fundamental questions in the physics of the present and early universe. In particular, we emphasize subjects which will be drastically advanced through the use of high-intensity lasers and relevant light sources. We hope to stimulate the interest of participants in LNPC'17 with this interdisciplinary exchange of information both in new technologies and fundamental physics.Deadlines and Important Notes
Book of abstracts is readableEarly Registration Due Date: 21 Mar. (Tue.), 2017
Abstract Due Date is extended: 26 Jan. (Thu.), 2017
Registration Start: 16 Dec. (Fri.), 2016
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